Since our inception every year during the blessed month of fasting (Ramadhaan), we provide deprived communities with meals for iftaar (breaking fast), suhoor (beginning fasts), support those sitting in Itikaf during the last 10 days, and engage in various workshops and programs for women to educate, empower and enlighten sisters on the blessings and greatness of this month and all that it entails.
Iftar programs take place on weekends were we gather the community together at a central place from early in the day and engage in dawah and various activities with the women and children, after Asr prayers the men of the community join in and all are addressed by a daee up until the time of Magrib/Iftar were we share food that was prepared by the team on the sidelines of other activities, followed by extra prayers (Taraweeh)
These programs have established and bolstered the true spirit of Islamic unity and help bring about a true understanding and experience of Islam for non-Muslims in the communities visited that many a time leads them to embrace Islam.
We also provide family food packs for Iftar and Suhoor to needy families, widows and elderly during this month to assist them to have a greater experience of the blessed month, and gave more time to focus on extra worship during this month, without having to worry about what to break fast with.
During Eid, we organize community Eid programs for revert and new Muslim sisters, Eid functions, children and orphans Eid parties.
Since our inception every year during the month of Dhul Hijjah, on the occasion of Udhiyyah/Qurbani we have participated in, arranged and catered for programs to sacrifice, cook and share meat in deprived communities, whereby we have slaughtered cows, sheep, and goats for the communities. These programs have established and bolstered the true spirit of Islamic unity.
relief aid
From time to time and as per need and circumstances around us we engage in emergency relief activities, from providing food aid, water, and other emergency needs. More recently having provided a helping hand to the communities struck by the terrible Cyclone Idai in the Eastern region of the country.
Monthly Support
Many communities comprise of women who are elderly, widowed, weak and vulnerable, neglected by family and society, these women carry great responsibilities and burdens, having many young dependents under their care, suffering to make ends meet for themselves and their dependents, leading to a life of ill health, stress amongst other health problems as well as weakening their faith and leaving them with no time to seek knowledge of the deen or practice upon the little knowledge there have, it is for this reason we provide monthly support contributing towards their needs (food, rent, clothing, education for their dependents, etc) to assist in lessening their burdens and granting them some form of relief.
We also support those working in the Islamic field of Dawah and Teaching (daees, daeeyas, sheikhs, Imams, ustadhs, ustadhas, etc) to help them with their needs and that of their families making it easier for them to do Allah's work with less stress of making ends meet for themselves and dependents.
Rehabilitation and Medical Support
Muslims who are physically challenged have encountered numerous difficulties in our communities. Very few support groups have assisted Muslims who have disabilities. We found it prudent that we delve into this area and assist wherever we can as usually such people are normally neglected. It’s in our policy that whenever we embark on a specific project, our priority has been identifying the disabled firstly. We try providing simple basic needs for the physically challenged like rehabilitation equipment (wheelchairs, crutches) that is beyond their reach but makes a world's difference, brings smiles and hopes, rather than longing for death due to physical challenges as most in poverty do.
We try assisting with the medical needs of needy Muslims, helping with hospital costs, medications, etc, as Zimbabweans are required by law to cover their own expenses, leaving the majority hopeless for good health or assistance when unwell due to rampant poverty
The list is endless as we take on anything of goodness that comes to our path as long it meets with our vision and principals. We believe in supporting and assisting where ever we find a great opportunity to be able to make a lasting difference.
Alhamdullilah many projects are on-going and others in the pipeline we ask Allah Almighty to grant us sincerity and continuity and acceptance from the little we continually try for his sake for those in need, at the same time working towards our blessings and rewards in Jannah by serving others for his sake subhabahuwatalaa.
We thank Allah almighty for the blessings, and for putting us in a position to empower and educate our women with the best Islamic knowledge and help ease the burdens of those in need and address the dependency syndrome in our communities together with your support